Proteína de suero AfterDark Afterbites


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Proteína de suero AfterDark Afterbites

AfterDark Afterbites Whey Protein es una excelente opción para quienes buscan un refrigerio delicioso y un refuerzo de proteínas.
TODO Lleno de 25 g de proteína por porción y cinco sabrosos sabores, que incluyen galleta con chispas de chocolate, S'mores Campfire, sándwich de fresa con chispas de chocolate, mantequilla de maní con chocolate y cereal afrutado con trozos de cereal real, esta proteína en polvo proporciona un placer saciante y la proteína que necesitas!

Cada proteína contiene un recuento de macros diferente.
> Smores que tienen más calorías (175Cals)
> Smores con más azúcar (7g)
> Galleta con chispas de chocolate la más grasa (4g)
> TODOS tienen 26 porciones
> TODOS tienen 7 g de carbohidratos

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Ethan Theriault
Don't judge a book by its cover

Mixing this in either water or milk will turn the liquid blue, which confuses me. As there is no listed dyes on the ingredients, it kind of makes the protein skeptical. However, this is the best tasting protein I had ever had, period. End of story. My gym bros and I thought it would be funny to put this powder in a batch of cookie dough, and the end result had the entire football team fighting for these cookies. What's even more strange was that the cookies were GREEN, but that doesn't matter. 10/10, just want Afterdark to include any dyes to fix their ingredient label :)